can opener - ορισμός. Τι είναι το can opener
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Τι (ποιος) είναι can opener - ορισμός

Can-opener; Tin opener; Can Opener; Can openers; Can piercer; Electric can opener
  • Standard issue "FRED" can opener of the Australian Defence Force
  • Peach can, September 5, 1856
  • Bull-head push-lever-type can opener of 1865
  • Contemporary church key, three views.  The left end is a can piercer and the right end is a bottle cap lifter.
  • A can opener's twist key
  • "Simplex" can sealing machine
  • A "butterfly" serrated-wheel and raking blade can opener with a can piercer, on left and "church key" bottle cap lifter, on right.
  • A late-20th-century can opener with a rotating cutting wheel and a counter-rotating serrated wheel, for left-handed use
  • Mark Sanders]]
  • P-51 and P-38 openers
  • Lever-type can opener design of 1858 by Ezra Warner
  • Lever-type can opener design of 1855 by Robert Yeates
  • Twist key can opener <br />in use

can opener         
(can openers)
A can opener is the same as a tin opener
Can opener         
A can opener (in North American English and Australian English) or tin opener (used in British English) is a mechanical device used to open tin cans (metal cans). Although preservation of food using tin cans had been practiced since at least 1772 in the Netherlands, the first can openers were not patented until 1855 in England and 1858 in the United States.
tin opener         
also tin-opener (tin openers)
A tin opener is a tool that is used for opening tins of food. (BRIT; in AM, use can opener


Can opener

A can opener (in North American English and Australian English) or tin opener (used in British English) is a mechanical device used to open tin cans (metal cans). Although preservation of food using tin cans had been practiced since at least 1772 in the Netherlands, the first can openers were not patented until 1855 in England and 1858 in the United States. These early openers were basically variations of a knife, though the 1855 design continues to be produced. The first can opener, consisting of the now familiar sharp rotating cutting wheel that runs round the can's rim to cut open the lid, was invented in 1870, but was considered very difficult to operate for the ordinary consumer. A successful design came out in 1925 when a second, serrated wheel was added to hold the cutting wheel on the rim of the can. This easy-to-use design has become one of the most popular can opener models.

Around the time of World War II, several can openers were developed for military use, such as the American P-38 and P-51. These featured a robust and compact design with a pull cutting blade hinged to a corrugated handle with a pivot. Electric can openers were introduced in the late 1950s and met with success. The development of new can opener types continues with a recent redesign of a side-cutting model.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για can opener
1. Phillips, 44, has been on the run since April, when he cut his way out of an Erie County jail with a can opener.
2. Phillips, 44, has been on the run since he cut his way out of an Erie County jail with a can opener.
3. And why does the manufacturer of a $3' electric can opener want to know if I make more than $100,000 a year?
4. Phillips broke out of an Erie County jail in April, using a can opener to cut his way through a ceiling.
5. A career criminal, Phillips escaped from a jail near Buffalo in April 2006, using an industrial can opener to cut a hole in a kitchen ceiling.